Frequently Asked Questions
What services do you offer?
I offer birth doula services and childbirth education classes.
What do you specialize in?
I specialize in VBACs and supporting hospital births.
What are the rates of your services?
These vary, depending on what you're searching for and what package you choose.
What is your birth philosophy?
It is my belief that women can do hard things, including that which leads to bringing a baby into the world. I believe women should be able to trust their body’s ability to birth their baby. Most births occur in a broken system that doesn’t necessarily support women who haven’t educated themselves. I believe that midwife-attended home births are just as safe, if not safer, than obstetrician-attended hospital births. Most labor interventions are given too often and without true necessity. We have stopped allowing a woman’s body to do what it was designed to do, leading many to feel as if they’re failures with broken bodies. I believe that cesareans do have their place and time, but not at the rates they’re performed. Doulas are an incredibly underused resource for labor and birth, as well. Immediate skin-to-skin is vital to creating the bond between mother and baby, and should be initiated straight out of the womb, barring medical complications. I do understand that these things occur and birth is not linear. However, we cannot deny all that comes with an untouched, physiological birth where a woman can safely birth her baby.